This is one of those problems you can’t understand how could it happen. Some background: In the past Visual Stuidio versions you were able to sign an assembly […]
Caching of database schema in CodeSmith
So you’ve build a template (or using one) for CodeSmith that uses SchemaExplorer.DatabaseSchema class – the one that enables you browsing through database schema with ease (through a […]
CodeSmith merge functionality for csproj files
If you are seriously using CodeSmith you will know about the merge functionality. True, with introduction of partial classes in .net 2 the need for merging is greatly reduced, […]
XPO2 supports generics and nullables out of the box
XPO2 (currently in beta) supports both generics and nullables out of the box. I did a simple test by creating a generic XpCollection: XpCollection<SomeEntity> coll = new XpCollection<SomeEntity>(session1);SomeEntity […]
CodeSmith 3.2 is released
While it doesn’t have many new features it has two really helpfull features – it runs under .net 2.0 and has a CodeSmith MSBuild task. I think that generics […]
Even better way to use Linq over DataTable.Rows
Sahil posted even better way to use Linq over DataTable.Rows collection than the one I blogged about. Use extension method OfType<T> (sounds like a VB.NET method) on non-generic IEnumerable […]
Microsoft Expression Interactive Designer January 2006 Community Technology Preview (CTP) (aka Sparkle) is available for download
Go, get Microsoft Expression Interactive Designer January 2006 Community Technology Preview (CTP) (aka Sparkle) here:
Slides from my "What’s new in Visual Studio 2005, .net 2 framework and programming languages" event are now online
I talked in front of a full room (about 55 attendees) and it was quite a good experience sharing the knowledge. And as I’ve promised I made avaliable the slides I […]
Is Linq going to interfere with normal C# 2.0 projects
I see such questions here and there: “Is Linq going to interfere with normal C# 2.0 projects?”. Here is my guess. There are two parts of the issue. […]
Linq over DataTable.Rows
Currently you can’t directly use Linq over and DataSet/DataTable/DataRowCollection/etc. class. Trying something like this won’t work: var q = from r in table.Rows select r; Enabling Linq over […]