Sahil posted two photos of guys at MVP Summit 2005. You can find them here.
Few pictures fom the MVP Summit
Here is the link to the bunch of pictures taken at the MVP Summit 2005.
WinFX installation problem and fix for it
One day I’ve decided to install WinFX (along with VS 2005 beta 2) on my laptop to see how it works on hardware accelerated graphics (I take a […]
Linq, DLinq and XLink forums
In case you didn’t know, MS has put up three forums (part of their Technical Forums) to discuss Linq, DLinq and XLink.You’ll find them here.
DLinq autogenerated classes
I’ve posted my first CodeSmith template for generating DLinq classes (DLink is part of Linq project, a future of .net). The generated code is C#. You can make suggestions or […]
DataSet visualizer updated
I’ve set new expiration date for RightHand.DataSet.Visualizer to 11/7/2005 and recomplied with July CTP. New version is 0.9.1. Get it here.Comments are welcome in the forum.
How to log DLinq’s Sql commands
There was a question on MS’ forum about how to log the DLinq’s sql commands. Well, actually DataContext’s sql commands. Here is the solution, it is easy: StringBuilder […]
Dlinq and IChangeNotifier
I am doing some tests with DLinq. I have created my classes properly decorated with attributes. I have also implemented IChangeNotifier to make tracking faster (all this was […]
The C# future
While C# 2.0 isn’t even released yet, there is already a lot of documentation about C# 3.0. And it brings a lot of candies based on features introduced […]
Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite RC available for download
Whoa, Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite Release Candidate is available for download at MSDN subscriber downloads. There is also a bunch of Sql Server 2005 September downloads. Apparently this […]