I have been using NDoc here and there for quite some time and I recommend it as a very cool utility for generating documentation out of your code comments. Generation […]
Microsoft® Pre-Release Software Code Named “Avalon” and “Indigo” Beta1 RC
A note here: If you look quickly at the header you’ll see only words Avalon, Indigo and an acronym RC. However, pay attention to word preceding RC: Beta […]
Meet Chrome
If you ever wanted an object pascal .net language that works with Visual Studio.Net then look no further. RemObjects created a first class .net citizen – Chrome. It works also […]
Visual Studio 2005 CTP July is available
Go, get it from http://msdn.microsoft.com/subscriptions/.(you have to be MSDN subscriber).
New version of Spell Checker plugin for CodeRush(DXCore)
I just released a beta of new Spell Checker plugin version (a plugin for DXCore/CodeRush for Visual Studio.Net). The main new feature is that it does spell checking […]
Working with Visual Studio.NET 2005 beta 2
I’ve been working for real with Visual Studio.NET 2005 beta 2 now for some time. It crashes here and there but overall it is a good experience from […]
Creating DevExpress’ XtraForm derived form as partial class
Developer Express offers an XtraForm (a windows form derived from Form class) with Look & Feel default set so you don’t have to use LookAndFeel objects to centralize […]
DirectX wishes for VS.NET 2005
Do you have wishes for managed DirectX for Visual Studio.NET 2005? You are in luck. Tom Miller’s put out a post inviting community to express their wishes for […]
CLR team goes ZBB
It is certainly a good thing that CLR team cleared the bug list for .NET Framework 2.0. I guess that makes 11/7 even more realistic date.
Is SecureString usable
if you want to keep a secret text in a System.String you’ll have security vulnerabilities. Since it stores the plain text in memory (and you have no control when […]