Thanks to we have a very detailed and useful online searchable map of Slovenia. It is in beta state but it seems very functional at first glance.
Internet fragility
I switched from cable TV to internet TV (Slovene SIOL provider – ADSL) a while ago. At the time it looked like a good move, but not everything is […]
Slides of my recent presentations on NTKonferenca 2006
I’ve just uploaded slides from my presentations on NTKonferenca 2006. Find them here.Sorry for the delay.
Dejan comments on NTk 2006
Dejan has an interesting commentary on this year’s NT konferenca. I have to say that I agree with him – he is getting old. Just kidding. I agree […]
Presumably bigest Slovene MS Office forum
Matjaz, a friend of mine, hosts huge MS Office forum (Slovene language) full of useful answers to common problems (who doesn’t have at least one problem with Office?). There […]
Slides from my "What’s new in Visual Studio 2005, .net 2 framework and programming languages" event are now online
I talked in front of a full room (about 55 attendees) and it was quite a good experience sharing the knowledge. And as I’ve promised I made avaliable the slides I […]
One day presentation of "What’s new in Visual Studio 2005/.net 2"
I’ll be talking about “What’s new in Visual Studio 2005/.net 2” for Microsoft Slovenia ISV partners. This will be a whole day event and it will take place on 19 […]
Slides of my "What’s new in .net 2 framework and programming languages" presentation
Yesterday I held “What’s new in .net 2 framework and programming languages” presentation at VS2005/SQL2005 launch event. You can find slides (in Slovene) here. Are you ready to […]
Speaking at MS VS2005/SQL2005 launch event in Ljubljana, Slovenia
I’ll be speaking tomorrow in hotel Mons, Ljubljana at Microsoft Slovenia VS2005/SQL2005 launch event. My “What’s new in .net 2 framework and programming languages” presentation (in Slovene language) starts at […]
Slovene Office Community
Peter just informed me that Slovene Office Community is born. Welcome to the (Slovene) communities.