Poor man’s performance profiling

If you have been doing development with Xamarin on Android you have probably noticed the total absence of any profiler, there is not even a decent method to get the high resolution time. Sure, there is Environment.TickCount but the resolution is at best in milliseconds. Pretty useless for performance profiling.

Rarely people use performance profilers on the desktop. Mostly because their applications don’t have complicated stuff and the modern CPUs are hiding most of the non performing code. However mobile devices are far more delicate and have less CPU power, less RAM, less resources in general. Thus slow code is much more notable and visible to end users. There is no better way to profile your code with a performance profiler. Just take a look at RedGate’s ANTS Performance profiler. Unfortunately there are no such tools for Xamarin Android platform even though mobile code should be really optimized.

I present  my solution for getting some useable metrics from your code (the code you have sources for). The code I’ve written was used for MvvmCross performance profiling hence it slightly relies on it (logging, IoC) however it can be easily made standalone if necessary.

Getting high resolution time

Java has java.lang.System.nanoTime() method that returns the highest resolution time available on Android. Xamarin doesn’t provide it through .net, you have to write a wrapper by yourself using java reflection.

public static class JavaLangSystem
    static IntPtr class_ref;
    static IntPtr id_nanoTime;
    public readonly static long Avg;

    static JavaLangSystem()
        class_ref = JNIEnv.FindClass("java/lang/System");
        id_nanoTime = JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID(class_ref, "nanoTime", "()J");

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

        long start = NanoTime();
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
        Avg = (NanoTime() - start) / 1000;
MvxTrace.TaggedTrace("metrics", "Avg NanoTime reflection is {0}", Avg); } [Register("nanoTime", "()J", "")] public static long NanoTime() { return JNIEnv.CallStaticLongMethod(class_ref, id_nanoTime); } }

Note that I do some calibration in static constructor because of reflection the call to nanoTime() itself consumes some time. I store the average call time into a static variable Avg that I’ll later use.

Accessing high resolution timer through IoC

First part is to create an interface

public interface IHighResolution
    long Ticks { get; }
    long Avg { get; }

then implement it

public class HighResolution: IHighResolution

    #region IHighResolution Members

    public long Ticks
        get { return JavaLangSystem.NanoTime(); }

    public long Avg
        get { return JavaLangSystem.Avg; }


and finally register it to IoC provider.

protected override IMvxApplication CreateApp()
    Mvx.RegisterType<IHighResolution, HighResolution>();
    return new App();

I register it in MvxAndroidSetup derived class (MvvmCross initialization) but if you are not using MvvmCross feel free to register it with IoC provider of your choice on some other initialization place.

This separation comes specially handy if you are to measure PCL assemblies where nanoTime() isn’t accessible.


Define class that will store a single measurement

[DebuggerDisplay("{Name} in {Ticks}")]
public class PerfMeasurement
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<PerfMeasurement> Children;
    public long Ticks { get; set; }

    public int AllChildren
            if (Children == null || Children.Count == 0)
                return 0;
                int sum =0;
                foreach (PerfMeasurement m in Children)
                    sum += 1 + m.AllChildren;
                return sum;

There are two interesting features here. First is Children field which holds nested measurements. And the other is AllChildren property that recursively counts all children.

The main measurement class

public static class Metrics
    private static readonly IHighResolution highresolution;
    private static readonly long twoAvg;
    public static List<PerfMeasurement> RootData { get; private set; }
    private static Stack<PerfMeasurement> stack;
    //         private static int counter;
    static Metrics()
        RootData = new List<PerfMeasurement>(100000);
        stack = new Stack<PerfMeasurement>();
        highresolution = Mvx.Resolve<IHighResolution>();
        twoAvg = highresolution.Avg * 2;
    public static PerfMeasurement Push(string name)
        PerfMeasurement head;
        if (stack.Count == 0)
            head = new PerfMeasurement { Name = name };
            PerfMeasurement previous = stack.Peek();
            head = new PerfMeasurement { Name = name };
            if (previous.Children == null)
                previous.Children = new List<PerfMeasurement>();
        return head;
    public static void Pull()
        if (stack.Count == 0)
            PerfMeasurement m = RootData[RootData.Count - 1];
    private static void OffsetParents(PerfMeasurement m)
        m.Ticks -= m.AllChildren * twoAvg;
        if (m.Children != null)
            foreach (PerfMeasurement child in m.Children)
    public static void Print(PerfMeasurement metric)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Print(metric, sb, 0);
        MvxTrace.TaggedTrace("metrics", sb.ToString());
    public static void Print(PerfMeasurement metric, StringBuilder sb, int depth)
        string prepend = new string(' ', depth * 4);
        sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}{1} took {2:#,##0}", prepend, metric.Name, metric.Ticks));
        if (metric.Children != null && metric.Children.Count > 0)
            foreach (PerfMeasurement child in metric.Children)
            Print(child, sb, depth + 1);

This class acts like a Stack for measurement items defined in earlier one. When item at the root level is pulled it outputs the results of the whole hierarchy linked to it into the (MvvmCross) logging mechanism (Print methods). But before doing that it recursively subtracts the nanoTime() invocation of all children (OffsetParents – for each children it assumes nanoTime() took two average invocations – hence the static field twoAvg).

That’s all we need. However there is one step that will make measurement a bit easier and more clean.


Making it easier to use Metrics with a helper class

public class MeasurePerf : IDisposable
    private static readonly IHighResolution highresolution;

    private long start;
    private PerfMeasurement m;

    static MeasurePerf()
        highresolution = Mvx.Resolve<IHighResolution>();

    public MeasurePerf(string name)
        m = Metrics.Push(name);
        this.start = highresolution.Ticks;

    public void Dispose()
        m.Ticks += highresolution.Ticks - start - highresolution.Avg;

This class is intended as a wrapper around measured code using using keyword. Measurement looks like:

using (new MeasurePerf("Your comment here"))
    // your code here
    // nesting measuring is perfectly fine

Here is a sample output I’ve been looking at:


I highlighted the root item. All items are showing their total time (children included). Note the negative numbers. That happens because this kind of measurement isn’t accurate at all (remember, I am subtracting twoAvgs). However it gives you at least some insight of what code is slow and which child is guilty.

So, that’s it. Until Xamarin gives us profilers there is no better way AFAIK. Unfortunately. There is one thing you can do, though. You can tell Xamarin that we need profilers. Perhaps through my uservoice suggestion.

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