Visual Studio.NET 2005 sugars

Did you ever find yourself wondering which namespace a class belongs to? One would open the help and use index functionality to find it. Now the process is a lot easier. Just type the class name into the code and, if class is referenced and its namespace isn’t reachable, a little red box will appear at the bottom right side of the class name. This red tiny box is a huge benefit. Hover over it and it will give you two options: either include a proper using statement or prefix the class name with its namespace.

Once you try it you’ll love it.

2 thoughts on “Visual Studio.NET 2005 sugars

  1. I’ve ben using ReSharper for some time now, and it has a similar function. With Alt-Enter it addsa missing using . One hell of a time-saver!

    I’m glad VS2005 will include this and other shortcuts by default.

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