Motivation Partially for learning, partially because it might come handy, I decided to build my own Rasbperry PI cluster that would run HypriotOS and Kubernetes. If you search […]
Arduino / Microcontroller / Tip
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Burning a bootloader to a (Arduino’s) Atmega CPU
One of the many uses of an Arduino board is using it as an ISP (In-System Programmer). Which means burning bootloaders or programs without use of a bootloader […]
.net / Hardware / Microcontroller / Slovenia
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Slides from my .NET Micro Framework and Netduino (using also XBee Pro and C328R camera) talk at Študent je car
Today I’ve presented .NET Micro Framework to the students of Nova Gorica. I demonstrated running the C# code on Netduino by taking photos (on demand from client) using […]
Arduino / Hardware / Microcontroller
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A developer diving into microcontroller world part 1
I always wanted to do play with microcontrollers but I lacked hardware knowledge. Actually the last time I wanted to play with them was at the very early […]